Italian Coffee Machines - Maintenance
One of the great things about manual coffee machines is that they are very simple to maintain.
Follow my schedule below to keep your Italian coffee machine in great shape.
Every session - flush the group, wipe the shower screen and flush the group again.
This regular flushing prevents the build up of coffee oils and keeps your machine clean.
Monthly - back flush the group
Insert a blind basket into your portafilter, add 1g of Cleaning Powder, insert the portafilter, start the pump, hold at full pressure for 3 seconds, then stop the pump.
Repeat 3 times.
Do the above one more time without cleaning powder, then flush the group to give it a rinse.
Do not over-clean as the cleaning powder dissolves lubricating grease as well as coffee oils. Without the lubricating grease your group will soon start squeaking.
Monthly - flush the steam and hot water wands and flush the boiler/s
Flush water through the steam wand, the hot water wand and the group to prevent scale problems and to freshen up the water in the boiler/s.
Quarterly - clean the shower screen, basket and portafilter
Soak overnight in a solution of water and Cleaning Powder to remove coffee oils.
Annually - grinder cleaning (optional)
You don't need to disassemble your grinder to clean it. Simply fill the hopper with coffee grinder cleaning granules, then grind the granules to clean oils from the grinding burrs and the grinding chamber.
As required - replace the group gasket - standard rubber gaskets last ~1 year so I recommend upgrading to a Silicone Group Gasket which should last 10+ years.
As required - anti-vac valve replacement. Scale will build up on this valve so the replacement interval will be determined by the quality of your water.
As required - servicing & repairs
Squeaks, leaks and changes to performance are signs that your coffee machine may need a service or a repair.
Most servicing and repairs are simple so if you are willing and qualified (electrical) you can go online to find numerous do-it-yourself guides and videos.
If you are not keen to do-it-yourself you can take it to your local coffee machine technician.
For advice on recommended technicians in your local area please get in Contact
As required - descaling
To learn about water quality and descaling Click Here